09:30 – 10:15
Findings for your practice, implementation planning
Activity 4: Summary of accommodations
Activity 5: Implementation planning concrete
Preparation of the posters for the presentation of the case studies
#4. Introduce and develop the Activity 2: Collection of possible accommodations for your spe-cific service
Note: Present slides number 12 to 14

Introduce the Aim of the activity
This activity aims to reflect the everyday work of the participants. They should identify areas in which changes are needed. In a further step, the participants should develop possible interventions and think about the effects they desire.
Slide 13 offers some questions for thinking about the topic before you get started with the activity.
Introduce the material: Pass out the Activity 2: Worksheet “Collection of possible accommodations for your specific service”
Each participant works on this activity individually and writes his/her ideas on the worksheet. The possible accommodations should be assigned to 3 areas:
– (own) behavior
– environment
– attitudes and knowledge
Plan about 10 to 15 minutes for this activity
#5. Introduce and develop the Activity 3: “That won’t work”
Note: Present slides number 15

Introduce the aim of the activity
Participants often think “sounds good, but it doesn’t work for me”. the following exercise serves to address these thoughts and to encourage a constructive examination of possible hurdles.
The following exercise is intended to support the participants in the constructive examination of possible difficulties in the implementation of what they have learned in their everyday work.
Introduce the material: Pass out the Activity Worksheet 3 “That won’t work”
Form small groups (3-4 people)
In the groups the participants should find as many reasons as possible why what they have learned in the previous modules cannot be implemented in their workplace or what difficulties can be expected in the implementation.
The remaining group members look for constructive solutions to these possible hurdles- considering accommodations for the specific case. The person who named the problem first listens, then evaluates the solutions for him/herself and notes feasible suggestions.
The aim is that each participant has found a viable solution for at least one mentioned hurdle.
#6. Online research: Look for further information
Note: Present slides number 1 6

After the activities the participants should do a short online research. You can decide whether each participant works on his/her own mobile phone or whether you do the search on the computer and project it. For the second route, a service is chosen in which most of the participants are active and an online search is started. This is only intended as a stimulus for further research and initiates the transition to the break.
10:15 – 10:45
#7. Introduce and develop the Activity 4: “Summary of accommodations”
Note: Present slides number 18 and 19

Introduce the aim of the activity
In this section, specific implementation options are worked out. We start with a collection of possible accommodations and organize them to create something like a “toolbox”. In the end, useful material for implementation should be available for each participant.
Introduce the material: Pass out the Activity Worksheet 4 “Summary of accommodations”
Form small groups (3-4 people) from similar services/ working fields.
In the groups the participants should summarize the accommodations developed in this module and order them by the different fields of application.
After that the groups present their findings in the plenum. The results should be written on whiteboard or flipchart. Make photos to share them with the participants for further use.
#8. Introduce and develop the Activity 5: Implementation planning concrete
Note: Present slides number 20

Introduce the aim of the activity
In this activity, the participants should plan concrete implementations for their work. This should support the transfer into everyday life, have a binding effect and create clarity.
Introduce the material: Pass out the Activity Worksheet 5 “Implementation planning concrete”
Each participant works on this activity individually and writes his/her ideas on the worksheet.
After that form small groups (3-4 people). In the groups everyone should present at least one planned implementation. The group members should be motivated to ask questions so that the participants can formulate their plans as concretely and clearly as possible.
In the end ask the whole group for comments, doubts, or questions.
#9. Introduce the second section of the module- presentation of the case studies
Note: Present slides number 21

Hand out paper in poster size or flipchart paper, as well as pens in different colors to the participants.
Every participant should create a presentation of his/her case study in the form of a poster. They should try to summarize the main contents in a compact, comprehensible form. Above all, accommodations for their specific service should be mentioned.